Lines and wrinkles

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Anti Wrinkle Treatment in Birmingham

As we get older, our skin changes, and for some, when we look in the mirror we may start to feel unhappy with the lines and wrinkles we see. Skin loses elasticity as we enter our thirties, but by the time we go into our forties deeper wrinkles start to form. You can learn more about the anti ageing treatments we offer to tackle wrinkles and frown lines via the beauty treatment pages.

At KM Medical Aesthetix Clinic in Birmingham we can help you look more youthful with our treatments for lines and wrinkles. Both men and women develop frown lines, deep wrinkles and crows feet. These signs are caused by the natural ageing process. However, there are environmental factors and a patient’s lifestyle that have a part to play, too. For example, smoking causes the skin to age faster.  

At our aesthetic clinic in Birmingham we offer non-surgical solutions that can improve the signs of facial ageing and sun damage, and we have a number of skin rejuvenation treatments available.

Wrinkle Reduction and Skin Tightening

Whether you want to get rid of fine lines around the mouth or deep wrinkles around the eyes and forehead, there’s anti-wrinkle treatments designed to help you. An alternative to skin rejuvenation treatments that address skin pigmentation, such as chemical peels, anti-wrinkle treatments are entirely designed to reduce skin creases and provide natural-looking results. These treatments are not surgery, and while they can’t replace surgery like facelifts, they can be used to reduce wrinkles and improve the skin quality overall to boost your self-esteem.

Depending on the severity of the skin ageing we have numerous skin rejuvenation treatments that may be suitable. These are all safe and we see great results in short periods of time. Popular treatments to improve facial ageing include Botox®, Dermal Fillers, Radiofrequency,  Laser skin resurfacing, Microneedling and Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy.

As well as decrease wrinkles and smoothing lines we can also help to tone, firm and tighten the skin at the same time if you wish. Take a look at the skin tightening page for more information on this.

What areas of the face can be helped with anti wrinkle treatments?

Popular areas for anti wrinkle treatments include the mouth, around the eyes, smokers lines, neck skin laxity  and the forehead. As part of skin rejuvenation we can also help to tone up problem area such as the jawline.

What treatments are available for lines and wrinkles?

We’re delighted to offer many cutting edge treatments for those looking to reduce lines and wrinkles. Every patient is different and we offer tailored treatment plans to ensure the best results.

The best treatments currently available at the clinic to reduce lines and fill wrinkles are all non surgical and safe when offered by practitioners with extensive training. 

(Botox) Botulinum Toxin

Botulinum toxin (more commonly referred to a Botox, which is actually a product name) is a neurotoxic protein commercially produced for cosmetic and research use. Over the past decade it has grown in popularity across all genders and adult age groups.  The techniques have also improved, with more refined tools enabling treatment of more areas of the face.

The effects of the Botox can be maintained by small ‘top-up’ treatments as required, generally twice a year. You can find out more about Botox in Birmingham by visiting our treatment page.

Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers offer a safe way to soften facial lines and fill furrows and crows feet. It can also be used to enhance the earlobe and reduce the size of earlobe piercing. Hyaluronic acid, the main ingredient in fillers, is natural to the body, therefore dermal fillers also have the added benefit of not requiring skin testing before use.

Tiny quantities of filler are injected into the wrinkles during a quick and simple treatment. Depending on how many lines are targeted, the treatment could take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, with minimal discomfort. Most HA fillers also contain a numbing agent, making this procedure comfortable.

The effects of the dermal filler can be maintained by small ‘top-up’ treatments as required, generally annually. You can read more about this on the Dermal Fillers treatment page.


Radiofrequency treatments are a safe and effective way to improve the skin. Using the Lipofirm Pro device we can tighten skin as well as reduce the appearance of fine lines. The Lipofirm Pro is a revolutionary rejuvenation treatment that gives exceptional results through a non-invasive technique. No scalpel or surgery is required when undergoing anti wrinkle treatments with this platform at the clinic.

This type of wrinkle reduction treatment is ideal for everyone, irrespective of skin type, age or gender. It addresses common concerns such as lines and wrinkles, as well as collagen loss. Having a radiofrequency treatment is a relaxing and pain free experience. You will leave the clinic with your face feeling massaged and relaxed. This is a ‘no downtime’ treatment, so you can expect to get on with normal activities right away.


Microneedling treatments reduce both fine and deep wrinkles, as well as tackling other skin concerns such as sun damage. Both microneedling and Botulinum Toxin injections are safe and effective for patients with all skin types, and the two are often combined when tackling wrinkles.

Depending on patient needs, you may recommend both, using microneedling to improve the surface and deeper condition of the skin, with Botox injections to help improve results longer term. One of the other main microneedling benefits is its ability to stimulate the growth of collagen and elastin, which is the key to new, youthful-looking skin. You can read more about this on the Microneedling treatment page.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

An all-in-one solution for skin rejuvenation, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (otherwise known as PRP) helps to boost collagen and shrink lines and reduce wrinkles. Sometimes called the Vampire facelift, this is the process of isolating platelets (naturally occurring components of your blood that play an important role in wound healing and tissue regeneration) from your blood. The platelets are then highly concentrated, through the process of centrifugation before being reinjected.

You can read more about this on the Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy treatment page.

Who is suitable for these anti wrinkle treatments?

As our wrinkle reduction treatments and skin smoothing treatments are non surgical they are suitable for most people. We treat patients of all ages looking to improve facial ageing. We can help you reduce ageing lines and wrinkles, whilst toning and firming loose skin if combining treatments is something you’re happy to consider. You can book a consultation by calling 01213877979

Are the results of anti ageing treatments instant?

Quick results are definitely possible. Some of our treatments offer initial wrinkle filling and skin smoothing benefits although the stimulation of new collagen, in certain treatments, will take a few weeks. Our patients are thrilled with the short term results, as well as the long term aesthetic changes from our anti wrinkle treatments. Looking youthful and feeling beautiful doesn’t get any easier than this.

How long do the results of skin rejuvenation treatments last?

This will always depend on what treatment you choose and how many anti wrinkle treatments you have. Patients will need to return for ‘top-up’ treatments to maintain the results for a longer period.

Are the treatments comfortable?

A small number of patients experience some mild discomfort but generally speaking our skin rejuvenation treatments are not painful. A full consultation is given before hand where you will be given advice on what to expect.

Will I need to take time off to recover?

They are totally non surgical and non invasive so no time off work or recovery time is needed, for most patients. Many patients find that a positive and comforting benefit.

Who should I trust to perform these treatments?

KM Medical Aesthetix in Birmingham is run by a team of Save Face approved skin experts ready to treat you. The key is finding an anti ageing professional that truly understands what you want to achieve from wrinkle reduction treatments. Our aim is to enhance your self-confidence and help you be the best version of you.

Where can I get more information?

There’s more in depth treatment information about our wrinkle reduction solutions including dermal fillers, botulinum toxin and PRP/PRF (Platelet Rich Fibrin) on the treatment pages. Please visit our contact page to book a consultation.

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