Vaginal Health

Home Concerns Vaginal Health

With age and after childbirth, women start noticing symptoms related to their vaginal health that affect their lifestyle on different levels.

Vaginal atrophy or dryness is a common symptom in post-menopausal women that is sometimes accompanied by itching or pain that can also be experienced during sexual intercourse.

Stress urinary incontinence is another symptom appearing also in a younger demographic, in some cases already among women 20-45 years old. Women who have undergone childbirth will often notice symptoms of vaginal laxity that can impact their satisfaction with sexual intercourse.

Women can benefit from two vaginal health treatments we have here at our aesthetic clinic in Birmingham. They are quick, versatile and can help to transform both your physical and emotional wellbeing.

What can vaginal health treatments offer you?

Whether you want to improve symptoms such as vaginal dryness or itching, or improve your sex life by rejuvenating your intimate area, vaginal health treatments are a reliable and safe way to feel more confident and happier in your body.

An alternative to surgical treatments involving Lasers and energy based devices combined with Platelet Rich Plasma/Platelet Rich Fibrin Carboxy or Ozone treatments, many of which have been panned by doctors now, vaginal health treatments can provide long lasting results safely. Some treatments offer instant results too, which is a bonus for many women.

Vaginal atrophy can affect women for various reasons – most commonly the menopause, birth, or age. Treatments are discreet and can be undertaken in your lunch hour, making them suitable for busy women.

Why do women seek vaginal health treatments?

Vaginal atrophy and urogenital atrophy are common vaginal health conditions. The symptoms can include vaginal dryness, irritation, postcoital bleeding, and soreness. Urinary symptoms can include urine frequency, urgency, and urge incontinence.

Vaginal and urogenital atrophy are usually associated with hypoestrogenism (low oestrogen) – the decreased estrogenization of the vulvovaginal tissue. One of the most common causes of hypoestrogenism are the menopausal changes, vaginal dryness and painful intercourse can occur with breast cancer treatments and other treatments. Other causes affecting sexual wellbeing is vaginal laxity which is common after childbirth.

Vaginal atrophy or dryness is a common symptom among post-menopausal women, while nearly 80% of the women are likely to suffer from it. Stress urinary incontinence is another symptom that 50% of post-menopausal women are likely to suffer from. Vaginal laxity after birth is another symptom that can impact the satisfaction with sexual intercourse.

What vaginal health treatments are available?

We have two vaginal health treatments for those looking to improve symptoms of menopause, ageing or post-birth. Every woman is different and we give everyone a bespoke treatment plan to ensure the very best in treating vaginal atrophy or sexual health.

  • Shelase

A combination laser technology using CO2 and Erbium, which helps to tighten the vagina and improve stress incontinence. It can be combined with Platelet Rich Fibrin and also with Ozone therapy to enhance results.

From the age of 45+ women suffer with physical conditions associated with vaginal atrophy being stress urinary incontinence, dryness, discomfort, laxity, menopause even with post childbirth causing a negative and distressing effective to a woman’s lifestyle. Shelase treatments have been designed to support and assist these conditions for female wellbeing.

Shelase unlike other vaginal rejuvenation treatments uses mixed technology for fast, reliable and high-quality treatments with no downtime. The mixed technology stimulates new collagen formation, supporting the increase of internal hydration and balance with providing minimal post treatment recovery. In turn Shelase provides a safe and effective treatment for all patients dealing with one or more vaginal atrophy symptom.

Visit our Shelase treatment page for more information.

  • FemTouch and Votiva Radiofrequency treatment for vaginal laxity and mild stress incontinence

FemTouch is an in-clinic, minimally invasive, non-surgical, non-hormonal laser vaginal procedure, that stimulate new collagen production for healthier tissue. Developed in collaboration with leading gynaecologists, this is a simple treatment for vaginal health conditions.

A simple and comfortable out-patient procedure taking just a few minutes, it offers satisfying outcomes after just 2-4 sessions. No anaesthesia or special post procedure care is required.

FemTouch is an innovative CO2 laser technology, enabling to apply precise and controlled laser microbeams on the vaginal lining. This allows stimulation of new tissue growth, by triggering collagen production.

Before treatment, your physician should assess your vaginal health to ensure you are a good candidate for the treatment. During the treatment, your physician will move the sterilized applicator along the vaginal wall in an outward motion, applying the laser in a 360º pattern covering the entire area. The whole procedure should take just a few minutes.

  • O Shots

Called the orgasm shot this treatment is a sexual and cosmetic rejuvenation procedure for the vagina using blood-derived growth factors. O shots can improve the strength of orgasms, increase orgasm frequency, increase lubrication and arousal.

It is a simple non-surgical procedure which temporarily rejuvenates the Grafenburg (G) spot, clitoris and labia. PRP (Platlet Rich Plasma) is derived from an individual’s own blood and is known to promote the formation of new blood vessels and activates unipotent stem cells to help with the process of rejuvenation.

Using your own blood, the growth factors and Platelet Rich Plasma are isolated. It is then injected into specific areas of the vagina and vulva. This stimulates the growth of new cells and increases sensitivity in the area.

You can read more about this on the O Shot treatment page.

Who is suitable for these vaginal health treatments?

Our treatments are designed with women in mind – physical and emotional wellbeing matters.

With age and after childbirth, women start noticing symptoms related to their vaginal health that can affect their lifestyle on different levels. Vaginal atrophy or dryness is a common symptom in post-menopausal women that is sometimes accompanied by itching or pain that can also be experienced during sexual intercourse. Stress urinary incontinence is another symptom appearing also in a younger demographic, in some cases already among women 20-45 years old.

Women who have undergone childbirth will often notice symptoms of vaginal laxity which can impact their satisfaction with sexual intercourse.

A consultation is required to ensure suitability for vaginal health treatments. You can book a consultation by visiting our contact page or by calling 01213877979

Are the results of vaginal health treatments instant?

Typically 3-4 treatments are needed to achieve the desired outcome on the vaginal lining. In clinical evaluations women reported feeling improvements after 1-2 treatments.

How long do the results of vaginal health treatments last?

This depends on which treatment you choose and how many treatments you have. Most patients find the results of vaginal rejuvenation treatments to be long-lasting.

We also see patients return for ‘top-up’ treatments. This helps to maintain the results for a longer period.

Are vaginal treatments comfortable?

You may experience a minor heat sensation during the treatment but it is very gentle and you should not feel uncomfortable. CO2 laser procedures are not suitable for everyone, for example patients who have a history of keloid formation.

Risks may include change of pigmentation, infection, redness, textural changes or scarring. Be sure to consult your doctor regarding treatment options available and related contraindications and risks based on your individual concerns and medical history, before choosing a treatment.

Will I need to take time off to recover?

No – both treatments are all non surgical. You do not need to take time off work or your home life to undergo FemTouch or O Shots.

The beauty of these treatments and non invasive solutions to tackle vaginal atrophy is that they don’t require a hospital stay. Many patients find that a positive and reassuring benefit.

Who should I trust to perform these treatments?

At KM Medical Aesthetix in Birmingham we have a team of experts ready to treat you. The key is finding a vaginal rejuvenation expert that truly understands your goals and needs as an individual woman.

Whether you’re seeking relief from vaginal itching and dryness or a boost to your sexual confidence after menopause we can help you.

Our innovative technology and wellbeing treatments help you look and feel your best. Our goal is to boost your self confidence and help you be the happiest version of yourself.

Where can I get more information?

There’s more in depth treatment information about our vaginal health treatments including FemTouch and O Shots on the treatment pages.

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