Skin Ageing

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Anti Ageing Treatments Birmingham

As time passes, our physical appearance changes, and in most cases, our faces and bodies don’t always reflect how we feel on the inside. Skin ageing is something that more and more people are choosing to do something about.Skin loses its elasticity as we get older and when muscles contract they create deeper wrinkles, changing how you look. Through our skin ageing pages you can learn more about the anti ageing treatments we offer at our beauty clinic in Birmingham to tackle wrinkles and frown lines.

While it’s not uncommon to have some signs of skin ageing as we get older, for some people these can be more noticeable. At KM Medical Aesthetix we can help you look more youthful with our anti ageing and skin tightening treatments in Birmingham.

Both men and women can become unhappy with their frown lines, wrinkles and crows feet. These ageing signs are caused by the ageing process, but often environmental factors and lifestyle have a part to play too. 

At our aesthetic clinic in Birmingham we offer non-surgical solutions that can improve the signs of facial ageing and sun damage, and we have a number of skin rejuvenation treatments available.

How can you improve the skin with skin rejuvenation treatments?

Whether you want to get rid of fine lines around the mouth or wrinkles around the eyes and forehead, there’s skin rejuvenation treatments designed to help you. An alternative to surgical procedures such as facelift surgery, anti ageing treatments are entirely non invasive and can provide excellent natural-looking results. While these treatments can’t replace surgery, we can reduce wrinkles and improve the skin quality overall to boost your self esteem.

Depending on the severity of the skin ageing we have four skin rejuvenation treatments that may be suitable. These are all safe and we see great results in short periods of time. Popular treatments to improve facial ageing include Botox, Dermal Fillers, Radiofrequency, and Chemical Skin Peels.

As well as shrinking wrinkles and smooth lines we can also help to tone, firm and tighten the skin at the same time if you wish. We call these skin rejuvenation treatments. Anti ageing treatments are ideal for people who have noticed their face changing due to the ageing process.

What areas of the face can be helped with anti ageing treatments?

The main benefit of choosing non surgical anti ageing treatments is that we can help you smooth lines and wrinkles and boost collagen production in a short space of time. We can improve the skin quality and rejuvenate your self esteem.

Popular areas for anti ageing treatments and skin tightening treatments include the upper and lower eyes, the mouth, the forehead and the cheeks. As part of skin rejuvenation we can also help to tone up problem area such as the jawline.

What anti ageing treatments are available?

We’re proud to offer many outstanding, effective treatments for those looking to reduce lines and wrinkles or improve skin tone. Every woman is different and we offer bespoke treatments to ensure the very best in instant skin rejuvenation.

The five best treatments currently available at the clinic to reduce fine lines and boost collagen production are all non surgical and safe. 

Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic acid therapy is becoming a popular choice as a temporary dermal filler for facial augmentation. It is a safe, procedure that conveniently softens facial lines and furrows. Hyaluronic acid is native to the body so fillers also have the added benefit of not requiring skin testing before use. We use Teosyal™.

Tiny quantities of hyaluronic acid are injected into the skin, this encourages our skin’s own production of hyaluronic acid. Depending on how many lines are targeted, the treatment could take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour, with minimal discomfort. Most Hyaluronic Acid fillers also contain a numbing agent, making this procedure virtually pain free.

The effects of the filler can be maintained by small ‘top-up’ treatments as required, generally about twice a year. You can read more about anti-wrinkle injections in Birmingham on the Dermal Fillers treatment page.

Laser skin resurfacing

An advanced laser resurfacing solution, our CO2 Laser treatments are ideal for resurfacing skin and improving wrinkles. It can also be used for skin tag, wart and mole removal. Laser skin resurfacing is a procedure that helps to improve skin texture and is procedure used widely for photorejuvenation.  The procedure is used to remove the superficial layers of skin in layers with precision. 

Chemical Skin Peels

Chemical peels are an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure to treat skin imperfections, fine lines, wrinkles and dark circles, helping to boost skin tone and texture. They revitalise the appearance of the skin and improve the complexion of the face, although the treatments can also be performed on other parts of the body such as the neck and hands.

The effects of a chemical peel will depend on the specific treatment administered, from superficial to medium-depth and deep peels. The simplest procedures are effective at reducing fine lines, smoothing rough, dry or flaking skin, acne marks and age spots. The deeper peels can combat more pronounced wrinkles, scarring and pigmentation problems, giving skin a more even appearance. They are also good for tackling sun damage.

You can read more about this on the Chemical Skin Peel treatment page.

Skin Tightening

An all-in-one solution for skin rejuvenation, skin tightening. The award-winning Lipofirm Pro system can simultaneously treat all layers of the skin from the Dermis to muscles delivering lasting results from the very first treatment. You can read more about this on the Skin Tightening treatment page.

Who is suitable for these anti ageing treatments?

As our skin rejuvenation treatments and skin smoothing treatments are non surgical they are suitable for most people. We treat patients of all ages looking to improve facial ageing. Of course, there is no non surgical alternative to cosmetic surgery procedures such as belpharoplasty surgery. However, we can help you reduce ageing lines and wrinkles, tone and firm loose skin and minimise the appearance of frown lines.

We can also treat sun damage symptoms. A consultation is required to ensure suitability for anti ageing treatments. You can book a consultation by calling 02476 260395. Alternatively book one online.

Are the results of anti ageing treatments instant?

Quick results are definitely possible. Some of our treatments offer initial skin rejuvenation and skin smoothing benefits although the stimulation of new collagen will take a few weeks. Our patients are thrilled with the short term results, as well as the long term aesthetic changes from our skin rejuvenation treatments. Looking good and feeling beautiful doesn’t get any easier than this.

How long do the results of skin rejuvenation treatments last?

This will always depend on what treatment you choose and how many anti ageing treatments you have. Most patients find the results of our treatments to be long-lasting.

With most anti ageing treatments, patients will need to return for ‘top-up’ treatments to maintain the results for a longer period. This also can be an opportunity to try other skin rejuvenation treatments.

Are anti ageing treatments comfortable?

A small number of patients experience some mild discomfort but generally speaking our skin rejuvenation treatments are not painful. A full consultation is given before hand where you will be given advice on what to expect.

Will I need to take time off to recover?

When it comes to skin smoothing and wrinkle treatments you do not need recovery time. They are totally non surgical and non invasive. Although, so treatments like skin peels may need some down time depending on the depth of peel.

The beauty of skin tightening treatments and non invasive solutions to tackle stubborn lines and wrinkles is that they don’t require a hospital stay. Many patients find that a positive and comforting benefit.

Who should I trust to perform these treatments?

KM Medical AesthetixKM Medical Aesthetix in Birmingham is run by a team of skin experts ready to treat you. The key is finding an anti ageing professional that truly understands what you want to achieve from treatments. If you’re seeking anti ageing treatments to improve your confidence after as you’ve got older, we know we can help you.

We invest in innovative technology and beauty treatments to help you look and feel your best. Our aim is to enhance your self-confidence and help you be the best version of you.

Where can I get more information?

There’s more in depth treatment information about our body shaping solutions including chemical skin peels, dermal fillers and skin tightening on the treatment pages. If you are considering any treatments we recommend reading these pages. The information will help you establish what anti ageing treatments are best for you.

In our Birmingham beauty clinic we provide a large number of treatments to boost the skin. Call us on 02476 260395 or email for more information, to discuss any queries or to arrange a consultation.

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